Principal Investigator


Andreas Velten velten [at], Personal website

Assistant Professor

Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Department & Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

I perform multidisciplinary research in applied computational optics and imaging. Optical imaging traditionally has been focused on producing and processing human interpretable images. This approach is becoming impractical on the collection side, where virtually infinite amounts of optical data can be collected, and on the processing side, where computers rather than humans are used to interpret images. My research focuses on developing new ultrafast computational optics and imaging methods that, by co-designing collection hardware and processing software, extend human and machine vision both quantitatively - improving image parameters soch as resolution - and qualitatively - developing new kinds of capabilities that are beyond what even the best possible traditional image could deliver. I am developing ultrafast computational cameras that can see around corners, through scattering media, and can detect cancerous tissue and evaluate plant health by detecting fluorescence lifetime.

Besides my academic work, I am co-founder of two companies: OnLume develops surgical fluorescence imaging cameras, and Formula Database is a search engine for mathematical equations.

Current Members


Talha Sultan tsultan [at]

Graduate Student

Talha joined our group in September 2018. He received his B.S. degree in chemical engineering and mathematics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI in 2018. His previous research work involved improving non-line-of-sight image reconstruction using iterative algorithms. Now he is a graduate student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department, specializing in machine learning and signal processing.

Trevor Seets

Trevor Seets seets [at]

Graduate Student

Trevor joined our group in January 2019. He received his B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI in 2019. His research work involves using single photon sensors for motion deblurring, HDR imaging, and fluorescent lifetime imaging. Now he is a graduate student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department, specializing in machine learning and signal processing.

Felipe Gutierrez Barragan

Felipe Gutierrez Barragan fgutierrez3 [at], Personal website

Graduate Student

Felipe started collaborating with the comp optics group in 2017, and joined the group in 2019. He received his B.S in Applied Math, Engineering and Physics at UW-Madison in 2016. Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate in computer sciences doing research in computational imaging and time-of-flight cameras.

Yizhou Lu

Yizhou Lu ylu289 [at], Personal website

Graduate Student

Yizhou joined our group in June 2019. He is working on Single Photon Imaging.

Ehsan Ahmadi

Ehsan Ahmadi eahmadi2 [at]

Graduate Student

Alex Bocchieri

Alex Bocchieri abocchieri[at], Person website

Graduate Student

Alex joined our group in January 2021. He received his B.S degree in electrical engineering in 2018 and M.S. degree in computer science in 2020 from Johns Hopkins University. His research as a master’s student included medical image analysis and deep learning. He is now a PhD student in the Computer Sciences department at UW-Madison. His current research includes computational methods for imaging gamma ray interactions in a scintillator.

Khadijeh Masumnia-Bisheh

Khadijeh Masumnia-Bisheh Khadijeh.Masumnia-Bisheh[at], Person website

Postdoc Research Associate

Past Members

Xiaochun Liu , Doctoral Student; now at Apple Personal website

Atul Ingle , Postdoctoral; now at Portland State University

Sebastian Bauer , Postdoctoral; now at Ubicept

Yuhao Liu , Undergraduate Student; now at Rice University

Ji Hyun Nam , Doctoral Student;

Jingyao Wu , Visiting Graduate Student;

Syed Azer Reza , Postdoctoral; now at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Miguel Galindo , Visiting Graduate Student;

Toan Le , Graduate Student;

Fabian Wagner , Visiting Graduate Student;

Marco La Manna , Postdoctoral; Personal webpage

Fiona Kine, Research Intern; now at Continental Mapping, Sun Prairie, WI

Jonathan Jackson, Research Intern; currently pursuing a degree at Univ. California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA

Hamzah Khan, Research Intern; currently pursuing a degree at at Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL

Eric Breitbach, Research Intern; now at Hi-Techniques Inc., Madison, WI



Mohit Gupta

Assistant Professor

Computer Science, UW-Madison
